THE SONNEVILLE LAB for weight inclusive nutrition & eating disorders prevention
For a complete list of Dr. Sonneville's publications, visit her Google Scholar profile or NCBI Collection page.
Fat Talk
Dr. Sonneville is quoted in Virginia Sole Smith's new book Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture. She is listed in the index right before Brittany Spears #academicgoals. (4/2023)
Nourished Child
Dr. Sonneville joins Jill Castle on The Nourished Child Podcast to discuss Body Image, Stigma, and Eating Disorders in Kids. (2/2023)
MS Thesis Defense
Congratulations to Jane Schmid who successfully defended her thesis, "Examining sample characteristics and experiences of those enrolled in a weight-neutral workplace wellness program". (4/2022)

Wellness Paradox
Dr. Sonneville talked with Michael Stack about Preventing Weight Stigma as a Fitness/Wellness Professional on the Wellness Paradox podcast. (11/2021)
Virtual ICED
Dr. Sonneville and current/former doctoral students Mikayla Barry, Traci Carson, Sam Hahn, and Vivienne Hazzard presented a combined 4 posters and 3 paper sessions at the 2020 International Conference on Eating Disorders. (6/2020)

SEMDA Conference
The 2020 SEMDA Spring Workshop The “Weight” of Weight Loss will be Saturday, 3/7 from 8:45 am to 2:45 pm at Madonna University. Dr. Sonneville will give the opening lecture on Weight Bias in Health Care: Shifting the Paradigm with Weight Inclusive Nutrition. (3/2020)

Dr. Sonneville spoke on the topic of “Weight Bias, Health, and Health Care” at the Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes (MEND) Research Conference. (2/2020)

DC WIND Symposium
Dr. Sonneville kicked off the WIND Symposium in Washington DC with her research review on weight stigma in the health care model. (9/2019)

Best Poster
Congratulations to PhD students Kelley Borton and Sam Hahn! Their poster, Helpful or Harmful? A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Social Media Positivity on Young Adults, was awarded 'BEST POSTER PRESENTATION' at the at the 7th Annual Weight Stigma Conference in London, Ontario. (6/2019)

ICED Awards
Doctoral student Sam Hahn received the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) RSH Scholarship and Dr. Sonneville was inducted into the 2019 Class of AED Fellows during the during the Awards Ceremony and the International Conference on Eating Disorders. (3/2019)

Victors Event
Dr. Sonneville and MPH student Kelsey Rose will be presenting on rethinking weight at the Victors for Michigan Campaign Finale Celebration at the School of Public Health on November 2nd. RSVP here. (11/2018)

Fast Food for Thought
Dr Sonneville and other interdisciplinary faculty will give a series of fast-paced talks related to food and/or agriculture at the 5th annual "Fast for for Thought" on October 9th at 6 pm. The event is held in the Dana Building, Room 1040. (10/2018)

MyVoice Performs
Dr. Sonneville and Dr. Tammy Chang performed on stage at the Chicago's Writers Theater to share the mission of MyVoice and the perspective of MyVoice youth. (6/2018)

GSI Award
Vivienne Hazzard was the 2018 recipient of the University of Michigan School of Public Health Outstanding GSI Award. (4/2018)

Ruth Pike Award
Dr. Sonneville was the recipient of the 2018 Ruth Pike Award. This award is given by the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Penn State University and honors outstanding young scientists. (2/2018)

ICED Reunion
Dr. Sonneville was reunited with her former PhD students (Drs. Hazzard, Borton, Hahn, and Barry) who all had oral presentations at the 2023 International Conference on Eating Disorders. (6/2023)

More School Lunches
Dr. Sonneville is quoted in the Washington Post. "Offering branded packaged food to children through the National School Lunch Program essentially allows food companies to market directly to children with the added credibility that comes with associating their product with schools". (3/2023)
Crosby Grant
Dr. Sonneville was awarded a 2022-2023 Elizabeth Caroline Crosby Faculty Grant by the ADVANCE Program at the University of Michigan. This award will support Weight Inclusive Curriculum for Dietetics Training. (12/2022)
AND Guidelines
Dr. Sonneville talked with Heather Caplan about the proposed AND weight management guidelines on the RD Real Talk podcast. (3/2022)
Public HAES
The Michigan Daily published an Opinion piece by Nyla Booras, "More Schools of Public Health at Every Size, Please", which highlights the work of Dr. Sonneville and the need to incorporate weight inclusivity into public health training and practice. (2/2021)

Meal Support
PhD student (and registered dietitian) Kelley Borton is providing virtual meal support on Wednesdays at 10amas part of @Covid19eatingsupport, an Instagram-based virtual meal support service for those recovering from eating disorders and toxic diet culture during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit their Instagram page for a full schedule of meal support. (4/2020)

On behalf of NEDA and #NEDAwareness, PhD student Kelley Borton spoke with the staff at Michigan Representative Debbie Dingell’s office to gather support for the Eating Disorders Prevention in Schools Act and an increase in NIH funding for eating disorders. (3/2020)

RD Real Talk
Dr. Sonneville was interviewed by Heather Caplan, RD, the founder of Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics (WIND), on the RD Real Talk Podcast Episode 134: Bringing Weight Stigma Awareness into Dietetics Education. (2/2020)

EDRS in Chicago
Doctoral student Sam Hahn presented her poster, Parental Perceptions of Child’s Current and Ideal Body Size Longitudinally
Predicts Child’s Perceptions of their Current and Ideal Body Size, at the Eating Disorder Research Society Meeting in Chicago. (9/2019)

MS Thesis Defense
Congratulations to Sarah Falvey who successfully defended her thesis, "Under-diagnosis of eating disorders among college students: A comparison of military and civilian students". After graduation, Sarah will be working in the 88th Force Support Squadron at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, where she will be promoted to First Lieutenant. (4/2019)

Dr. Sonneville and doctoral students Kelley Borton, Traci Carson, Sam Hahn, and Vivienne Hazzard presented a combined 4 posters and 3 paper sessions at the 2019 International Conference on Eating Disorders. (3/2019)

Weight Stigma
Dr. Sonneville and Dr. Kate Bauer co-wrote a piece, 3 Ways Public Health Professionals Can Combat Weight Stigma, for The Pursuit. (10/2018)

Food Policy Council
Dr. Sonneville was appointed to the Washtenaw County Food Policy Council. She will represent the nutrition sector in this position and will serve through the end of 2019. (9/2018)

Appearance Matters
MPH student Kelsey Rose presenter her poster "Obese" Attributions made by Adolescents and Young Adults at the 2018 Appearance Matters Conference in Bath, England. (5/2018)

ICED in Chicago
Another successful ICED in the books! Dr. Sonneville and doctoral students Kelley Borton, Traci Carson, Sam Hahn, and Vivienne Hazzard presented a combined 4 posters and 2 paper sessions at the 2018 International Conference on Eating Disorders. (4/2018)

MS Graduates
Congratulations to Allison Meyer and Mengshu Yan who successfully defended their theses and graduated with a Master of Science degree in Nutritional Sciences. (4/2023)

School Lunches
Dr. Sonneville is quoted in an AP article about School Lunches. "BMI... should not be used as a proxy for health" she says in the article (and to anyone who will listen). (2/2023)
MS Thesis Defense
Congratulations to Shengxin Yu who successfully defended his thesis, "Use of performance/appearance-enhancing products among college students and college athletes". (4/2022)

Dear Highlights
Dr. Sonneville talked with Dear Highlights on the How Can Kids Develop a Healthy Body Image? podcast episode. (3/2022)
Dr. Sonneville and collaborators Drs. Tracy Richmond and Idia Thurston published an editorial, "Weight-Focused Public Health Interventions—No Benefit, Some Harm", highlighting the risk of unintentional harm caused by obesity-focused public health interventions in JAMA Pediatrics. (11/2020)

Hahn's Defense
PhD student Sam Hahn will defend her doctoral dissertation, Examining the Relationships Between Weight-Related Self-Monitoring and Eating Disorder Risk Among College Students, on Tuesday, 3/10 from 10-12 in 1680 SPH I. (3/2020)

New York Times
Dr. Sonneville was quoted in the NYT Parenting article: Your Kids Don’t Have to Inherit Your Body-Image Issues. (2/2020)

Food Psych
Dr. Sonneville joins host Christy Harrison, an anti-diet registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, on the most recent episode of the Food Psych Podcast. (12/2019)

Postdoc Fellowship
Congratulations to recent graduate, Dr. Vivienne Hazzard, who is completing a postdoc in Fargo, ND through the T32 Midwest Regional Postdoctoral Training Grant in Eating Disorders Research. Coming from a public health background and now working in a more treatment-oriented setting, she is looking forward to translating advances in treatment to prevention. (7/2019)

Weight Bias Seminar
In conjunction with Dr. Sonneville's course NUTR 622: Weight Bias & Health, Ragen Chastain will be presenting a lecture "Public Health for Every Body" on Thursday, March 21st from 1-3 in 1655 SPH I. The event is open to the public. (3/2019)

Hazzard's Defense
PhD student Vivienne Hazzard will defend her doctoral dissertation, Family Risk and Protective Factors for Binge Eating-Related Concerns in a Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adults in the United States, on Thursday, 3/28 from 3-5 in 1655 SPH I. (2/2019)
Size Diversity
Learn more about body diversity and weight stigma in public health in this article written for The Pursuit by MPH Student Kelsey Rose. (10/2018)

MyVoice on Guns
The perspectives of MyVoice youth on guns and gun control were published as a Research Letter in JAMA Pediatrics. (7/2018)

STRIPED Symposium
Dr. Sonneville presented a lightening talk on Weight Bias and Health at a symposium in Boston sponsored by the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders (STRIPED) & Harvard Catalyst. Video recordings of the symposium are available on the STRIPED website. (4/2018)